New Studies in Biblical Theology: From Every People and Nation: A Biblical Theology of Race (J. Daniel Hays)
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language ...
(Revelation 7:9)
The visions in the book of Revelation give a glimpse of the people of:
God at the consummation of history - a racially diverse congregation gathered together in worship around God's throne.
The theme of race runs throughout Scripture, constantly pointing tO the global and multi-ethnic dimensions inherent in the overarching plan of God. In response to the neglect of this theme in much eva gelical scholarship, Dr Hays offers a thorough exegetical study. As we as focusing on texts which have a general bearing on race, Dr Hays also demonstrates that black Africans from Cush (Ethiopia) play an important role in both Old and New Testament history.
This careful, nuanced analysis provides a clear theological foundation for life in contemporary multi-racial cultures, and challenges churches to pursue racial unity in Christ.